Our Christian Fellowship was originally a part of Babcock Memorial Church (UPC USA) until March 1981. Robert Baxter Louthan was installed as pastor in June, 1963, succeeding the first pastor of Babcock, Pastor Rev. William Taylor.
In March 1981, after much prayer and study concerning Christian doctrinal matters and interactions with the Baltimore Presbytery, Pastor Louthan and majority of the members left the United Presbyterian Church denomination. As a result the church body was locked out of the church property by the Baltimore Presbytery. Still named Babcock Memorial Presbyterian Church the members began worshiping as an unaffiliated independent Presbyterian church at Loch Raven Elementary School. Here is a listing of Our Early Church Leaders that labored through those difficult times.
August 29, 1982 the church body was renamed Loch Raven Village Presbyterian Church, still worshipping at Loch Raven Elementary School on Sunday mornings for several months and later for almost a decade at Pleasant Plains Elementary. Activities beyond Sunday morning worship were held in other places; prayer meetings, choir practice and for three months, the Church Office were in members’ homes. After that, space was rented on White Oak Road to house the Church Office. Neighboring churches shared their facilities so that Vacation Bible School and special services such as Christmas Eve and Thanksgiving could be held.
In 1984, a committee was established to investigate Presbyterian denominations to determine one with which Loch Raven might affiliate. The committee presented its recommendation in 1986 to join the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). This recommendation was accepted and approved by the membership.
Building Phase 1 – In the early 1980’s a building fund campaign was developed to purchase property. In 1986 the Trustees and congregation identified a portion of land on 9318 Old Harford Road in Parkville, Maryland 21234. On 12/21/86 the congregation approved the Session’s recommendation to purchase a 4.35-acre farm from the Lightheiser family.
The Lighthisers (Kenneth L & Minetta “Peggy” Marie McQuade) in 1987 sold 4.35 acres which included the farmhouse to Loch Raven Presbyterian Church. The farmhouse provided space for pastor’s offices as well as the Church Office and room classes, committee meetings, and youth activities up until 2017.
Here’s are some early house memories you might remember and a Video tour of the House featured on Season 8, Episode 10 of “Salvage Dawgs” before it was closed and then taken down for safety concerns. This early part of our church history is being removed to better prepare for the future.
Building Phase 2 – A Ground-breaking Ceremony was held on July 1, 1990, to begin the construction of our Church Building. The congregation continued to meet at Pleasant Plains Elementary while construction on the church building took place. The building was completed in September of 1991. On Sunday, September 29, 1991, a Service of Worship and Dedication was held.
Building Phase 3 – These two buildings on the property served the congregation well, but additional ministry opportunities and the rapid pay down of the mortgage made it possible to consider adding a fellowship hall and more classroom space. A Building Committee was established to find an architect and builder. The committee presented a plan at the December 2015 congregational meeting which was approved. Construction began in the spring of 2016 and was completed a year later. Our Dedication Service (see the Dedication Bulletin) was held in March 3, 2017. Today, the LRPC property serves the congregation and its many activities, and community services.
A video tour of our growth (1981 – 2017)
A thirty year anniversary at 9318 Old Harford Rd, and the demolition of the farmhouse.
Our Ministers
Rev. Robert Baxter Louthan continued to shepherd Loch Raven PCA until his retirement in 1999. During his tenure, Rev. Doug Hudson and Rev. Fred Showers served in turn as Associate Pastors. Both men eventually left to lead their own congregations. Rev. Ed Olsen served as Interim Pastor until the selection of…
Rev Richard L. Burguet as Senior Pastor. Rev. Burguet served from August 1999 to June of 2006, leaving for a pastorate in Florida. Rev. Ralph Kidwell served as Pastor of Visitation from the 1990s until his retirement in 2011. Rev. William Jones served as Interim Pastor until…
Rev. Louis Quievryn was chosen to shepherd LRPC in 2008. Mr. Brad Robson served as Assistant to the Senior Pastor from 2010 to 2011. Pastor William Jones served again as Interim Pastor again following the resignation of Rev. Quievryn in February, 2011. On December 17, 2011, the Pastoral Search Committee in concurrence with the Session selected…
Rev. William “David” Milligan as Senior Pastor. The selection of Rev. Milligan was approved by the congregation and he continues to shepherd LRPC today.
Memorials of those who have gone before us!
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