The last Sunday in May
We Remember the names and faces of those
that we once shared worship, service, and fellowship with,
who have gone before to be with the Lord.

For all the saints who from their labors rest,
who thee by faith before the world confessed,
thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou wast their rock, their fortress, and their might;
thou, Lord, their captain in the well-fought fight;
thou, in the darkness drear, their one true light.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
23th Psalm – The Lord is my Shepherd
Expressions of sympathy donations may be given in memory a loved one.
Remember & Honor Our Fallen Veteran’s

The last Monday in May
Go to Our List of Departed Veterans
Scroll through both lists

Rev. William (Bill) D. Milligan
December 6, 1942 – Sept. 29, 2023

Paul William (Bill) Englar Jr.
July 16, 1931 – July 18, 2023

Robert (Bob) Franklin Gierhart Jr.
JULY 31, 1935 – JUNE 30, 2023

William (Bill) Edward Eaton
01/11/1938 – 6/14/2023

Gerald (Jerry) H Beck
06/22/1945 – 5/23/2023

Michael J. Geraghty
02/21/1935 – 02/25/2023
view obituary

Joan Englar Higdon
05/18/1934 – 12/5/2022

Rev. Ralph H. Kidwell
12/3/1928 – 9/18/2022

Betty Ann Selby
2/24/1932 – 8/24/2022

Doris “Dot” Louise. Gill
10/23/1926 – 07/10/2022

Rita Naomi Kraus
10/3/1933 – 09/19/2021

Mary Cedella Burris Englar
04/25/1935 – 06/17/2021

George Robert Conner Sr
07/17/1931 – 4/8/2021

Marilyn Conner
May 7, 1932 – January 3, 2021

William “Bill” Robert Carlile Jr.
August 20, 1920 – December 6, 2020 (100)

Peter “Pete” Frances Robinson Sr.
July 11, 1943 – December 4, 2020

Patricia Ludwig
December 14, 1947 – July 26, 2020
View Obituary

SEPTEMBER 22, 1922 — APRIL 15, 2020

DECEMBER 17, 1923 — APRIL 4, 2020

JULY 26,1934 — JANUARY 16, 2020

SEPTEMBER 14, 1942 — DECEMBER 30, 2019

Ruth Ann Geppi
August 4, 1934 – December 7, 2018

Judith “JUDY” Lorene Robinson
March 28, 1944 – October 27, 2018

Evelyn (Lynn) Walker
May 13, 1921 – March 19, 2018

Pat Francesco
September 26, 1940 – January 17, 2018

Betty Ruth Cole
September 3, 1924 – November 24, 2017

Doris M. Schaum
June 24, 1917 – January 7, 2017

Perle Viola Carnahan Harro
August 12, 1908 – June 19, 2016 (107)

Helen Goon
December 9, 1937 – November 5, 2016

Edith (Edie) DeGraw Brown
June 29, 1936 – August 29, 2016

Charlotte Kidwell
May 1, 1929 – May 3, 2016

Grace Munro
April 1, 1924 – September 20, 2015

John A Hoover
March 9, 1935-November 5, 2015

Doris Cline
April 5, 1928 – June 7, 2015

Thelma B. Dorsett
May 3, 1921 – May 4, 2015

Margaret Frieda Maienshein
July 27, 1927 – January 5, 2015

Betty Virginia Kilker
January 28, 1921 – July 10, 2014

S. Jane Arloff
July 19, 1924 – July 8, 2014

Donald B. Munro
October 19, 1919 – July 5, 2014
Visit Rev. Robert B. Louthan’s Memorial page
Honor our LRPC Members and Relatives
Who Served in the Armed Forces & Now Deceased

Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good.
1 Peter 2:13-14
N MEMORY OF FALLEN SERVICE MEMBERS: God on High and in our Hearts: Grant reassuring peace beneath the cover of Your Presence to all the men and women who gave their lives in defense of our country and the freedom of the world. Shelter them among the righteous souls who are as radiant as the luminous firmament. (unknown)
Eternal God, Father of our spirits: We rejoice in all who have faithfully lived and triumphantly died. We give Thee thanks for all blessed memories and all enduring hopes; for the ties that bind us to the unseen world; for all the heroic dead who encompass us like a cloud of witnesses. We pray that we who have entered into the heritage of their heroism and self-sacrifice may so honor their memory and so preserve and further their high purposes that the nation which they defended may stand in all coming years for righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours. Amen. (from The Book of Common Worship, 1946.)
Franklin Beck, Army WWII & Korea
Walter Lee Beck, Army WWII & Germany
William R. Beck, Navy WWII/Pearl Harbor
Alfred E. Borgerding, Army Korean War
William “Bill” Robert Carlile Jr., Army Air Corp WWII and Korea
Ralph Emerson Clark Jr., Navy World War II
Charles Cline, Army WWII
Clark Clugston, Navy WWII/Pacific
Charles Coard, Army Korean War
George R. Conner Sr., Army Korea
James R. Davis, Army Air Corp. WWII*
Carlo Donofrio, Jr., Army Vietnam (1965, 1968)
Paul William (Bill) Englar US Navy (1948-1954)
Charles Grasberger, Navy WWII
Leslie J. Duty, Jr., Army WWII
William E. Eaton, Navy (1957-1961)
Robert D. Fagan, Army WWII
Richard Gates, Army (Green Beret) Vietnam
James E. Hartel, Army WWII
Ronald A. Hocker, USAF/Fighter Pilot 1954-1964*
Robert Higdon, Marine Air Force WWII
Parke H. John, Sr., Army WWII, 1942-1944
C. Benjamin Keene, Army WWII
William F. Logan, Army 1951-1953
George Mason, Army WWII
Charles Masters, Army WWII
R. Dale Mershon, Army WWII
Louis Moltz, Jr., Navy (Seabees) WWII
Donald Munro, Navy WWII
Gary L. Royce
Navy-Corpsman, Vietnam
Haskell Royce Jr, Navy-Master Chief – Korea-Vietnam
Robert Saeger, Army WWII
Earl Saeger, Jr., Army WWII
Lloyd Saeger, Air Force Vietnam
Eugene P. Stastny, Army WWI
Eugene P. Stastny Jr, Army WWII 1944-1946
Thomas M. Stevenson, Navy WWII, 1940-1946
James H. White, Army Vietnam
*died in service to our country
2nd Lt. James R. Davis, Army Air Corp. WWII
Capt. Ronald A. Hocker, USAF/Fighter Pilot 1954-1964
Annual Remembrance booklets,
published each year at the end of May,
are available from the church office
People | Early Church Leaders | Memorials