We are a community of believers, who welcome any and all who want to join us. If you enjoy singing, or playing a musical instrument, we encourage you to join our fellowship! The praise team is bigger than any one individual- our community is but a small part, along with our Church body, of those who will sing praise to our Lord forevermore when He returns.
For more information email praiseteamlrpc@gmail.com
Easter Special Music Is He Worthy – The LRPC Praise Team
The praise team is a fellowship made-up entirely of volunteers, who strive to use our God-given gifts to worship and glorify the One who set us free from sin & death. Worship is a natural expression that comes from the realization of God’s love for us, and the amazing surprise of the Gospel. Our sin deserved His just punishment, yet instead He (Jesus) came into the world as a shepherd, to seek and to save us who were lost! Instead of receiving what we deserve, God instead Himself saved us, by taking our place on the cross. He is worthy of more than anything we can give, yet we can’t help but to praise Jesus Christ, the One who declares us innocent, when we ourselves were guilty!
In the words of Revelation 22:20: He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!”