page continued from Prayer
How can we Pray with you?
Please share a praise report or prayer request now
and/or save and use this address later
Weekly each Tuesday 1:00 – 2:00 pm and
Bi-monthly, 2nd & 4th Thursday 7:00 – 7:30 pm
Call +1 (617) 691-8834 See Prayer Meeting details below.
Cast your Ballot – Election Day
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday – 3rd Sun. in January
National Day of Prayer (NDP) – 1st Thur. in May
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) – 1st Sun. in Nov.
We are committed to Prayer
Loch Raven Presbyterian Church was founded only after steadfast prayer. Prayer continues to be a pillar of Loch Raven’s existence. Prayer has sustained us in tough times. Prayer is an integral part of our worship.
If you’re sick, hurting, lost, struggling, or confused – we want to pray with and for you. If you’re celebrating a victory, we want to acknowledge that and give God the glory that He deserves.
“As long as there are is an intercessor, there is hope.” “The calling to intercession is one of the highest and most powerful ministries open to any believer. It requires boldness and conviction.”Derick Prince – Will You Intercede?
We meet for prayers of praise and intercession several times throughout the week. The intercessors come between God and the object of God’s wrath and judgment, on their behalf. We would absolutely encourage you to come out to one of these times of dedicated prayer and/or Share a Praise Report or Prayer Request.
What do we teach about prayer from:
Find Prayer Aids from Scripture
LPRC Practical Theology Adult Sunday School Class
4-26-2020 The Spiritual Disciplines – PRAYER
The Westminster Larger Catechism with Scripture Proofs Questions 178-196
The Heidelberg Catechism (1563) Questions 116-119
Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:9-13
Prayer Meeting details
On both Tuesday and Thursday, gather together or call-in 5 minutes early to, meet and greet, and share praise reports and prayer requests and updates. Call (617) 691-8834
Tuesday 1:00 pm is our long-standing weekly structured meeting where the focus has been praying specifically for submitted praise and prayer requests from the congregation. Prayers are sent to our prayer leader Juanita and assigned to individuals to pray for a request along with their own unique prayers. Currently we have between 10-15 regular members sharing. Until recently all participants prayed remotely from their home or office using a telephone on a conference call line. We now recently have a blended meeting where few most participants enjoy an in-person time of prayer, while a few others connect together on-line using their individual telephones.
Thursday 7:00 pm (2nd and 4th Thursday – an online only conference call meetings are relatively new and smaller with (3-5) attenders spending 30 minutes in informal and non-structured prayer. Anyone can pray any time in any order, simply praying what’s on their heart, request prayers, share praises, or simply listen to the prayers of others. Silence is also golden.
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