September 1991-2021 -Thirty years of Loch Raven Presbyterian Church Worshiping in building phase (2) two @ 9318 Old Harford Road, and a view of the demolition of our first building.

Building Phase 1 – 12/21/86 the congregation approved the Session’s recommendation to purchase a 4.35-acre farm from the Lightheiser family. Purchased was the property with a farmhouse at 9318 Old Harford Road. The farmhouse provided space for pastor’s offices as well as the Church Office and rooms for classes, committee meetings, and youth activities up until 2017. It was closed and taken down for safety concerns. This early part of our church history was removed in October 2021 to better prepare for the future.

Our phase 2 building plans were completed in September of 1991, and on Sunday, September 29, 1991, a Service of Worship and Dedication was held. We celebrated thirty (30) years in 2021.

Views of the demolition of our 1st building

An overview of our church history is located @