LRPC Ground Level 2

We would like to thank and remember the following people who have had important roles in the construction of our beautiful new addition:

The Building Committee (past and present)

Jo Ann Beck, Kathy Fagan, Jim Fox, Chuck Holzman, Charles Lewis, Trish Spicer, Tim Freeman, Ken Goon, Michael Kersten, Paul Lee, Sandy Magsamen, Karl Mangels, Ralph Reed, Tedd Stastny, Keith Wawrzyniak, Chet Whitekettle

Total Construction Services, Inc.

George Brown, President; Stan Ryder, Architect; Chuck Miller, Vice President; Dave Lackey, Superintendent

The Capital Fundraising Committee

Nadim Warsal, Chairman, Jim Fox, Frank Insley, Karl Mangels, Joanne Stevenson

Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer Austin Kenly, Lee Goon

Pastor W. David Milligan

Bridge Loan Donors Anonymous

And thank you to all who have contributed in any and all ways to make this project possible.

Our ultimate praise and thanks to God for giving us this ‘future and hope.’  (Jeremiah 29:11)

Responsive Dedication

Brothers and sisters in the Lord, we are gathered to consecrate and set apart this addition for the glory of the one living and true God.  Let us therefore dedicate this addition to its proper and sacred uses.

Chair of Capital Fundraising Committee:  To You, God and Father of Jesus Christ, our Lord; and To You, eternal Son of God, Redeemer of Your people and Head of the church; and To You, Spirit of God, Lord and Giver of life, our teacher and comforter:

All:  We dedicate this addition.

Clerk of Session:  For the worship of God in praise and prayer; For the preaching of the gospel of the grace of God; For the building up of the communion of saints:

All:  We dedicate this addition.

Chair of the Deacons:  For showing the mercy of the Lord; For helping the helpless; For offering rest to the heavy laden:

All:  We dedicate this addition.

Chair of the Trustees:  For the diffusion of sacred knowledge; For the promotion of righteousness; For the extension of the Kingdom of God:

All:  We dedicate this addition.

Sunday School Superintendent:  For the sanctifying of the family; For the nurture of the young; For the perfection of believers:

All:  We dedicate this addition.

Everyone:  For the comfort of those who mourn; For strength to those who are tempted; For assurance to those of little faith; For the mutual encouragement of all:  We dedicate this addition.

Pastor:  In gratitude for the gracious keeping of the divine covenant throughout past generations; In reliance upon the promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church; In the hope of the eternal glory of the Church Triumphant:

All:  We dedicate this addition.