
To teach, equip, and encourage those in the Body of Christ to be growing, obedient, faithful, and fruitful followers of Jesus Christ, and to be ready to explain the hope that is within them concerning their assurance of salvation.

To provide for personal spiritual growth through discipleship and opportunities to participate in small group Bible studies. Help in supporting and strengthening our families and the relationship between husbands, wives, children, and parents. Encourage all members to be committed and active.

To equip and provide training to those called by the Lord to lead, whether as church officers, teachers, or other leadership positions. Encourage and support those who would seek to serve as pastors or missionaries. Provide opportunities for them to use their wisdom and spiritual gifts to serve the Lord and our congregation.

See Ephesians 4:12, Titus 1:9, Exodus 18:20

Our Women’s Ministry vision is that every woman know Christ personally and be committed to extending His kingdom in her life, home, church, community, and throughout the world.” Titus 2 has much to say about discipleship and about training women to think biblically about all of life and live those truths out in the context of community.


Our Shepherding Elders are to provide personal and continuous spiritual leadership to care and pray for, protect, guide, nurture, and watch over all associated with LRPC. Pastors and Ruling Elders are called to provide the primary spiritual oversight of the members of our reformed church of Jesus Christ. To shepherd well is to emphasize people over programs. See 1 Peter 5:2

In-Reach Ministries