Nov 22, 2021

Pray for the PCA


Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12

Dear friends of the Gospel Reformation Network (GRN), there is nothing more important (or consequential!) that we can do than pray.  J.C. Ryle was right— “Prayer is the very life-breath of true Christianity.” Therefore, may prayer be the life-breath of our churches as we contend on our knees for the future faithfulness of the PCA. Rev. Dr. Jon D. Payne, GCN Executive Coordinator

Pray for the PCA — Why is prayer so often the last thing we think to do? Calling upon the name of our sovereign Lord should be our first impulse, and never an afterthought. Let us, therefore, make earnest, humble, and consistent prayer for the PCA a priority in our closets, living rooms, and sanctuaries. Let me encourage you to resurrect (or resuscitate) your congregational prayer meeting and pray boldly for our beloved denomination.


  • that biblical and confessional Christianity would prevail in the PCA
  • for reformation
  • for unity in the truth
  • that the concepts of Critical Race Theory (CRT) would not get a firm foothold in the PCA
  • for a renewed confidence in the gospel as the sin-expulsive, life-transforming power of God
  • for deepened conviction in the efficacious nature of the means of grace, divinely instituted means that feed us upon Christ
  • for a revival of reformed piety in our lives, homes, and churches
  • that we would carry out the true mission of the church, to make disciples of all nations through faithful gospel proclamation, and the planting (and strengthening) of biblical churches
  • sincerely for (and with) those with whom you disagree
  • that the PCA would hold fast to a biblical view of marriage and sexuality
  • for the 2022 PCA General Assembly in Birmingham, Alabama.

Visit for information about the GRN who’s purpose is to cultivate healthy Reformed churches in the Presbyterian Church in America.