“Be strong, all you people of the land, declares the LORD. Work, for I am with you, declares the LORD of hosts” (Hag. 2:4b ESV)
School is ending, pools are open, and Memorial Day is over = Summer is here! Many folks are looking forward to vacations that have been planned, and children are looking forward to no homework. What are you looking forward to this summer at Church? I am really excited to share a number of wonderfully special opportunities for our church family that I hope you will pray for and participate in this summer! Please also prayerfully invite others to join us.
JUNE starts off with a bang – two excellent fellowship and outreach events:
6/4 – the Men’s Breakfast at 8 am
6/11 – Our Annual Strawberry Festival from 4-7 pm
also has events that definitely need your prayers and support:
6/20-24 = General Assembly in Birmingham, Alabama
6/26-7/2 = the JAARS short term mission trip to Waxhaw, NC.
In addition to these special events, we’re continuing to invite everyone to The Gathering on Tuesday evenings from 5:45-7:30. It is light much later in the summer so we hope to see more of you! The food is delicious and the fellowship is fantastic; the chance to learn more about the missionaries we support is invaluable. Please do come to learn about what’s going on in Ukraine from a dear couple who spent years ministering there and personally know brothers and sisters in Christ living through this war (6/7) The next Tuesday (6/14) we’ll be hearing from our very own Krishna sharing what the Lord is doing in Nepal and here in Parkville among the Nepalese immigrants! On 6/21 Brenda will share about her time at the MTW retreat for the Asia Area Team and on 6/28 we will talk with the JAARS short term mission team while they are on site!
Our Summer Family Sunday School this year is very important for not just parents of young children, but for all of us. If you interact with our culture at all, you understand how necessary it is for Christians to know what the Bible teaches about Gender and Sexuality and how we can teach the truth to our young people as well as answer questions and arguments from those outside the church or even kids inside the church who have become convinced in their own minds that the world has it right. Please come and learn! And if you can’t attend, please pray that everyone who does will be blessed. After 4 weeks studying that topic, we will move onto another important topic: a Biblical Worldview. Wow! I would strongly encourage every parent, grandparent, uncle, aunt, and adult to check out this class. But if you are committed to your own adult Sunday School class, that’s wonderful. If you are looking for something else, consider our Adult Elective taught by Joe D’Avella on Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms.
JULY continues with excellent learning opportunities on Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings. But there is a special event just for our church family – the LRPC Talent Show on the 9th! Come laugh and clap and rejoice with the wonderfully talented folks (young and old(er)) in our Church. Be on the lookout for more information and how to sign up – anyone know “Who’s on First?”
Our annual Vacation Bible School is also in JULY – the 18th through the 22nd. I sure hope and pray that we can ALL support this outreach ministry to children in our church as well as the many visitors we have during this exciting week. Please be praying right now, at the beginning of the Summer that God would bless all who attend and all who volunteer. Pray that children would not only hear the Gospel—but would respond in faith and follow Jesus! Pray for the parents or grandparents who drop their kid(s) off—that their hearts would be touched too. Pray for your own neighbors and friends who do not go to church; pray they would accept your invitation to this special week.
AUGUST slows down a bit (the heat and humidity really sap one’s energy), but that allows us all time to plan and pray for the Fall, when schools start and different events occur. Be on the lookout for the Children’s Ministry training event and prayerfully consider how you can serve God and His Church.
Throughout these three months our boards (Trustees, Deacons, Session) will continue to minister; two committees can also use your specific prayer for God’s wisdom and blessing: the Search Committee and the Nominating Committee. We are completely dependent on God’s grace and help here at LRPC—which is why prayer is so important! Which brings me to the vital weekly prayer meeting that goes on all year long. If you are available, please make an effort to join us at least one month this summer to pray with other saints (we meet on Tuesday afternoons from 1-2 pm).
As the summer of 2022 begins, let us PRAISE THE LORD for these opportunities and those who work so hard to make them happen!
Let’s make sure we are PRAYING to our Living God that many would be mightily blessed through our church.
Won’t you plan to PARTICIPATE in as many of these events as possible? We are so blessed to be able to do all of this, won’t you join in blessing those who planned and prepared these things? God willing, your presence will be a blessing to all who come (and perhaps you being there will open the door for a Gospel conversation with someone!).
Every member has pledged to “support the church in its worship and work to the best of [our] ability.” How can I encourage YOU this summer to grow and show your commitment to God’s Kingdom?
“We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thes. 1:2-3 ESV)
May God bless you, Pastor David
See also our Events Listings for details