We as individuals and as a church body have been entrenched in this season of uncertainty and change to our daily lives for over a year now. Even as we lament the loss of things we have enjoyed prior to this season, or mourn the loss of loved ones, or are even tempted to despair, I want to firmly and emphatically encourage you with the word of God found in Isaiah.
28 Have you not known? Have you not heard?
Isaiah 40:28-31 ESV
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
his understanding is unsearchable.
29 He gives power to the faint,
and to him who has no might he increases strength.
30 Even youths shall faint and be weary,
and young men shall fall exhausted;
31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.
As we see all around us a world that is crying out, struggling, weary, and sick with sin, God is still at work. He is working even now, right under our noses here at LRPC.
The ESOL ministry that started before David, our first child was born 5 years ago, has had another year of serving those around us in the community, and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord. Several classes have been in-session virtually this year, and will be wrapping up in the next month.
What a testimony to the faithfulness of God, that He still provides for the work of His children, that we can share His love for our neighbors even under these difficult circumstances! For those of you who stepped up this year to continue on teaching and serving, thank you so much – we are so encouraged and strengthened by your example!
As we pray that we will be able to hold in-person ESOL classes next fall, we ask that, most importantly, you continue to keep ESOL in your prayers, and that perhaps you would also consider joining us in some way to help the work of the ministry.
As Nancy Booher states in her writing “Reaching the World at Our Doorstep”:
“Without prayer as the foundation, your ESOL program will flounder.”
Instead of looking around us in despair and worry, let’s look to God, confident that Jesus, our shepherd, will keep His promise never to leave or forsake us. Let’s trust that the One who feeds the sparrows, and clothes the flowers of the field so beautifully, will continue to build and provide for us.
Let’s thank God for those who He has graciously raised up to serve during this most difficult year. Let’s pray in confidence that God will provide for us the things that we need.
When we rely upon organization – we get what organization can do;
Booher quoted Dr. A. C. Dixon
When we rely upon education – we get what education can do When we rely upon eloquence – we get what eloquence can do. And so on. But
When we rely upon prayer – We get what God can do.
See Our ESOL English Classes https://www.lochravenpca.org/esol