Jul 16, 2020

LRPC Website Overview


This is our newly designed website @ www.LochRavenPCA.org

Until July 2020 our previous website served us well over the years but was become very problematic and difficult to use, administer updates, and manage. Hence here’s a look at its new front-end face-lift with updated back-end support. Start here on our LRPC HOME page.

We now have a top menu bar limited to three menu areas Welcome | About | Ministries in addition to LRPC HOME located on the far left, returns the user to our home page, and a Search feature located on the far right, is to aid website Navigation.

The Welcome Area is primarily intended for online visitors. It was designed to be User Friendly in both usage and terminology. Check out the four pages in this area, and see if you agree.

Visit us! | Are You? | We are… | Inquiries?

Please take some time to check out the other areas, especially those that most interest you and your activity or ministry involvement. Know that some of these areas are still a work in progress and needs further work! Will you help provide content?

Request for more information about LRPC or our website.

The purpose of this website is normally not to communicate day to day changes, but there will be some exceptions. For the most part it present statics content (like found in a library), and a guide to future events and activities for both visitors and our members. In the future we might examine using once again an interactive blog-like post area, but not just yet. I’ll call that phase two…

Currently day to day items are best communicated online via eBlasts (eMail) and our Facebook page or groups

Major Features gained by using SolaSites.com

  • Websites For Churches, Made by Missionaries
  • A dedicated team of profession administrative website designers, and administrators to support our WordPress software, along with back end, maintenance, data security and backup support. Plus they are able to provide site unique customizations.
  • Cross device support for usage on Mobile / Tablet / PC/Mac devices
  • An easier to navigate content menu system (still being improved)
  • A much-needed online search feature (top right) on the main menu
  • Allows the church to be more concerned about content management then technical back-end design and implementation considerations.

Thanks for visiting with us!
Together <iHs>< ~LochRavenPCA.org

See also: Navigating the LRPC Website and a chronological list (log) of changes