Jun 28, 2021

The Call

Biblical Church Leadership
Leadership Nominations from Our 2021 Nominating Committee

Know that everything we have is a gift from God.

Yearly a new Nominating Committee is formed to seek out qualified members of the congregation who are willing to serve on one of three leadership boards. They are in the role of an elder on the Session, deacon and deacon assistant on the Diaconate, and a member of the Board of Trustees.

The Nominating Committee consists of five communicant members of the congregation, elected at the last congregational meeting in January, along with two elders, one deacon, and one trustee selected by their respective board:

  • Congregation Members  – JoAnn Beck, Patrick Carter, Carolyn Clark, Steve Maddox, Beverly Sheldon
  • Elders – Josh Stenger, Keith Wawrzyniak
  • Deacon – Nancy Stagge
  • Trustee – Brian Sheets

Our committee members have already, starting back in April, prayerfully been seeking to nominate and vote for spiritually gifted and qualified members, who have now been recommended to the Session for approval.  Now in July the committee begins the task of asking these selected candidates to prayerfully consider allowing their names in associated role to be put on the ballot for the congregational vote,  to fill vacant leadership positions.  

Will you be ready for the call?

Please take some time now to review the leadership and service roles and the qualifications found online @  https://www.lochravenpca.org/nominating-committee/. Know that the term of office is a maximum of three years, but may be less depending on the open vacancies.

Before a candidate replies, we ask you to pray about your decision to answer God’s call to service. Also consider discussing your nomination with family, your shepherding elder, and/or someone currently serving in that role.

Since we have many members nominated, we are asking those with the highest number of committees votes to respond first, before asking others. So, please do not delay your response for more than one week if at all possible.

The gifts we have received are not ours alone.

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,
as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 1 Peter 4:10 ESV