To answer questions like:
- What is a Christian?
- What does our Church Believe?
- What do Presbyterians Believe?
- What is involved in PCA Church Membership?
- How does one commit to the Vision and Work of the Church?
This class is routinely conducted by the Pastor. See our online calendar or events page for the next class, call the office or speak with the Pastor.
Preparing for class:
Review the online class information – Either browse the pamphlet Two Ways to Live – The choice we all face, (available page by page in multiple languages) or view a brief video presentation.
Locate and become familiar with the online web pages describing our primary precepts and principles.
Consider providing us contact information so that the Session Elders may know and serve you and your family better, please consider completing a SECURE & CONFIDENTIAL Membership Form, especially before attending this class. Completing this form does not necessarily mean that you are ready to join our fellowship, but by completing this form you will be providing us important contact information. We will also add you to the church’s email e-Blast list, and your family will be assigned a personal Shepherding Elder to assist you in learning more about us..
Children’s Ministry | Children’s Sunday School | Inquirer’s Class | Kid’s Story Time | Words of Encouragement